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Male Contraceptive Acceptability (Focus Groups - Black Men)

Unplanned pregnancy is more common among US minorities. Contraceptives developed to reduce these rates should therefore take minority attitudes into account. Using a structured guide, we conducted focus groups with Black men in Los Angeles, California, exploring their experience with family planning and contraceptives, as well as their willingness to use novel male contraceptives in the future. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, KC, JF, NJ, HAAF

  • Status: Data collection closed, analysis and manuscript writing ongoing

  • Manuscript 1: Manuscript submitted, in review. 
    “I’m not going to be a guinea pig”: medical mistrust as a barrier to male contraception for Black Americans in Los Angeles, CA. 

  • Manuscript 2: Analyzing data for themes related to Black masculinity

  • Project Milestones:

    • Presentation at APHA 2018: Medical mistrust as a barrier to male contraception for Black Americans in Los Angeles, CA


Male Contraceptive Acceptability (Interviews - Latino Men)

Unplanned pregnancy is more common among US minorities. Contraceptives developed to reduce these rates should therefore take minority attitudes into account. Using a structured guide, we conducted in-depth interviews with Latino men in Los Angeles, California, exploring their experience with family planning and contraceptives, as well as their willingness to use novel male contraceptives in the future. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, DM & DJS

  • Status: Study approved; Interviewer training and interviews pending. 14 interviews needed.

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Male Contraceptive Acceptability (Interviews - Asian Men)

Unplanned pregnancy is more common among US minorities. Contraceptives developed to reduce these rates should therefore take minority attitudes into account. Using a structured guide, we conducted in-depth interviews with Asian men in Los Angeles, California, exploring their experience with family planning and contraceptives, as well as their willingness to use novel male contraceptives in the future. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Emmy Jin

  • Status: Study approved; Interviewer training and interviews pending. 


Male Contraceptive Acceptability (In-Depth Interviews)

Surveys examining the market for male contraceptives may be overestimating men's willingness to consistently use novel methods given that men have no experience with using medications to avoid pregnancy. Explorations of the experiences of men who were actually in active trials may provide more reliable estimates of men's willingness to use male contraceptives in the future. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, JG (UCLA), CW (LA BioMed)

  • Status: Data collection closed, analysis and manuscript writing ongoing

  • Manuscript 1: Analyzing data for themes related to participant's experiences in trial

  • Manuscript 2: Analyzing data for themes related to masculinity

  • Project Milestones: Abstract submitted to SFP 2019

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Male Contraceptive Safety: a systematic review of off-target effects

Surveys examining the market for male contraceptives may be overestimating men's willingness to consistently use novel methods given that men have no experience with using medications to avoid pregnancy. Explorations of the experiences of men who were actually in active trials may provide more reliable estimates of men's willingness to use male contraceptives in the future. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Jennifer Franks, Fiona Yuen

  • Status: Covidence used to sort out relevant articles; currently analyzing journal articles and synthesizing findings; manuscript pending.

  • Project Milestones: Abstract accepted for presentation at ACOG


Men's Access to Emergency Contraception in Los Angeles, CA

While men cannot USE emergency contraception, they should be able to PURCHASE EC for their female partners when needed. Men's access to EC is essential to reducing the financial and logistic burden that women bear. Pharmacists and pharmacy providers with implicit biases about men may be a barrier to access.

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Electra Korn, & Robyn Schickler

  • Status: Data collection closed, analysis and manuscript writing ongoing

  • Manuscript 1: Writing up manuscript on limited services.

  • Project Milestones: Abstract submitted to SFP 2019


Predicting men's condom use at first sex: an analysis of the NSFG

The National Survey of Family Growth is commonly used to explore women's contraceptive use, however the survey also queries men's behaviors as well, creating an opportunity to better understand the populations of men who use or don't use condoms at different time points. Understanding factors associated with condoms at first sex may help to avoid unintended pregnancy. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Jasmine Patel

  • Status: Data analyzed, manuscript in process.


Vasectomy & SRH Services Access in California

California is unique for its FPACT program, which provides coverage for vasectomy services. FPACT should increase vasectomy uptake rates, however if there is a shortage of vasectomy providers, then men will have difficulty accessing the service, regardless of insurance coverage. We surveyed a database of FPACT providers to determine how many were providing vasectomy services in California.

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN & Minica Long

  • Status: Data collection closed, analysis and manuscript writing ongoing

  • Manuscript 1: Writing up manuscript on limited services.

  • Project Milestones: Abstract submitted to SFP 2019


Vasectomy Provider Training Opportunities

We know that we need to increase the number of vasectomy providers across the nation. Therefore, we need experts who would be willing to train others, however vasectomy is not a priority for urological surgeons who commonly perform vasectomy. Would they be willing to train non-urologists in order to expand the pool of potential vasectomy providers?

Link Pending
  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Jasmine Patel

  • Status: IRB approval obtained; survey pending approval; preparing for data collection

  • Expert Consultation: Kari White, Grace Shih (pending)


Vasectomy: Follow-up & Completion among "Interested" Men

We know that we need to increase the number of vasectomy providers across the nation. Therefore, we need experts who would be willing to train others, however vasectomy is not a priority for urological surgeons who commonly perform vasectomy. Would they be willing to train non-urologists in order to expand the pool of potential vasectomy providers?

Link Pending
  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Brittany Klooster

  • Status: Protocol and IRB approval pending; database design


Withdrawal (coitus interruptus):
An evaluation of the pre-ejaculate in withdrawal or "pulling out"

“Pulling out” or withdrawal is commonly used to prevent pregnancy, for better or worse. We STILL don't know very much about how to use it and how effective it really is. Some men have used withdrawal their whole lives without any unwanted pregnancies; others have been less successful...We want to know why!

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Jasmine Patel

  • Status: Protocol and IRB approval pending; database design

  • Funding source: The Society for Family Planning


Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
Rates of Patient-Delivered Partner Therapy in Los Angeles

The treatment of any sexually-transmitted infection should be paired with counseling on the need to treat the patient's sexual partner. However, these conversations do not always occur -- physicians may be reluctant to discuss relationship issues or may not feel comfortable prescribing treatment for the partner. 

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Nicholas Jeffrey, Emily Chang

  • Status: Pending approval from IRB continuing review; data collection on hold. 

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Advanced Paternal Age and the risk of Spontaneous Abortion:
an analysis of data from the National Survey of Family Growth

As the average paternal age continues to increase, couples considering pregnancy need to be fully informed about additional risks incurred by paternity at advanced age. We use data from the National Survey of Family Growth to exam the risk of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage with advancing age.

  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Erica Chang

  • Status: Manuscript currently under review with AJOG.

  • Project milestones: 2017 Oral presentation at ASRM


Gender biases in male medical student education: a literature review

Gender biases may lead to male medical student being turned away from opportunities to treat some female patients in the clinical setting. As student's rely on their clinical experiences to make decisions about future residency training, such negative experiences may lead some trainees to consider other rotations. We reviewed the literature to better understand the trainee experience of gender bias. 

Link Pending
  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Chris Douglas, Ravali Reddy

  • Status: Data collection complete; data analysis and validation on-going. Manuscript in process. 

  • Project milestones: Abstract accepted for regional ACOG 2018


Expectations for contraceptive clinical trial compensation: a survey

Contraceptive studies face difficult recruitment since experimental regimens are given to healthy individuals who may experience off-target effects or adverse events from new drugs. Compensation can help recruiting, however the amount of compensation to give that balances and prevents untoward incentivization or indirect coercion lacks any baseline evidence. 

Link Pending
  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Robyn Schickler, Ravali Reddy

  • Status: Protocol completed and IRB approved; data collection complete; analyzing data and manuscript-writing.

  • Project milestones: Submitted abstract to SFP 2019


Men's Sexuality and Sex Education - the Asian experience

We know that we need to increase the number of vasectomy providers across the nation. Therefore, we need experts who would be willing to train others, however vasectomy is not a priority for urological surgeons who commonly perform vasectomy. Would they be willing to train non-urologists in order to expand the pool of potential vasectomy providers?

Link Pending
  • Primary Investigator(s): BTN, Ravali Reddy, Nhat Ngo

  • Status: Protocol completed and IRB approved; revising survey and exploring opportunities for expanding to a national population sample.

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Brian T. Nguyen, MD MSc

Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Director, Fellowship in Complex Family Planning

Keck School of Medicine of USC


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