Human reproduction is NOT just a "woman's issue." It is an essential issue for all individuals that impacts not only the health of women, but that of couples, as well as the communities that support them. The EMERGE Lab represents Dr. Brian T. Nguyen's research and advocacy, aimed at: "Expanding Male Engagement in Reproductive and Gender Equity." Through research, policy review, and community-centered projects, The EMERGE Lab creates gender equity through showing men the active role they can play in reproductive health and the strength they bring through sensitivity and reproductive responsibility.
Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues
Male Contraception:
Condoms & Withdrawal
Male Contraception:
Condoms & Withdrawal
Men only have condoms, vasectomy, and withdrawal as contraceptive options. Condoms and withdrawal are low efficacy methods, yet they're used commonly no matter who you are. If we can't get people to use better methods, we can at least help people use these methods better.
Male Contraception:
Vasectomy Access & Uptake
Male Contraception:
Novel Methods & Clinical Trials
Family Planning:
Emergency contraception &
education on female methods
Family Planning:
Unplanned Pregnancy & Abortion
Family Planning:
Unplanned Pregnancy & Abortion
Nearly 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. Yet while the decision to continue or terminate an unplanned pregnancy is a woman's, men are often involved and need to be informed so they can better understand their feelings and how they can support their partners.
Family Planning:
Abortion & Paternity Politics
Fertility & Pregnancy Loss:
Male partner factors
Fertility & Pregnancy Loss:
Male partner factors
Infertility testing and treatment is primarily focused on the woman, not recognizing that male partner factors, like paternal age or sperm count/quality, can impact pregnancy outcomes. Decreases in sperm concentration over time warrant further exploration.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
Testing, Treatment, &
Expedited Partner Therapy
Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
Testing, Treatment, &
Expedited Partner Therapy
Because men are less likely to seek healthcare, women are more likely to get screened and treated for STDs. If their male partners aren't treated, women will get re-infected. Expedited partner therapy is a potential solution.
HPV-Related Cancer:
Screening & Vaccination for Men
HPV-Related Cancer:
Screening & Vaccination for Men
The HPV vaccine was initially approved for women, however we now know that men get HPV-related oropharyngeal, penile, and anal cancers that can be prevented via vaccination. Yet why don't men get vaccinated? Do they not want them? Or can they not obtain them?
Paternity & Postpartum Depression
Paternity & Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression can affect relationships, infant bonding, and child development--it can affect men too, yet it remains under-screened, under-diagnosed, and under-treated. Engaging fathers during prenatal care may help. Paternal prenatal care models?
Sexual (dys)function &
intimate partner violence
Sexual (dys)function &
intimate partner violence
Screening women for intimate partner violence is important for safety, but perpetrators and the culture that breeds them need to be addressed. Sexual violence needs to be addressed and healthier, consensual sexual practices need to be promoted among men.